Earlier this month, The Oral Surgery Group shared a blog about whether or not someone needs to worry about having their wisdom teeth extracted. What we found out is that you need to pay attention to these potentially troublesome teeth early and get them out before they can do damage.
We came across this interesting article highlighting a study that was published in the March 2021 issue of the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The study found that your gums or periodontal health can benefit you when wisdom teeth are removed swiftly and early.
One of the biggest revelations found in the new study is that there are specific gum disease-related variables that seemed to improve five years after a patient had their wisdom teeth extracted. The key is getting to them before they erupt while patients are still young.
Something The Oral Surgery Group refers to as average probing pocket depth (PPD) and clinical attachment level (CAL) of the nearby second molars improved over time after wisdom teeth are removed. Both PPD and CAL are measurements we use to assess your level of gum disease, and the study found that wisdom teeth extraction can impact gum tissues of remaining teeth.
The study looked at 39 different patients, with their average age being 22. These patients were looking at having their wisdom teeth removed for orthodontic reasons. Every patient had at least one or two unerupted wisdom teeth in their lower jaw that were symptom-free of any issues or disease. They had their PPD and CAL measured before surgery, after six month post-surgery, and five years later.
The published results found that when oral surgeons proactively remove wisdom teeth, there will be little to no ill-effects on your nearby second molars years after your extraction is complete. The study says “PPD reduced significantly, and CAL changes yielded similar results, indicating less gum disease. In addition, among those with completely bony unerupted wisdom teeth – which remain embedded in the jawbone with no space for the teeth to erupt – no deterioration was found in PPD and CAL.”
There’s a lot to learn about wisdom teeth and oral surgery. We hope you’ll take the time to explore our site and find answers to what you’re searching for. If not, please don’t hesitate to contact us online or by phone (215) 938-7860 with any of your oral health concerns. We have the ability to provide patients with an unprecedented level of oral health care at all of our convenient locations:
Meadowbrook – The Oral Surgery Group at Holy Redeemer Hospital
Doylestown – The Oral Surgery Group at Doylestown Hospital
Philadelphia – The Oral Surgery Group in NE Philadelphia
Langhorne – The Oral Surgery Group at St. Mary Medical Center
The Oral Surgery Group is a patient centered practice. Our four offices and affiliations with over ten healthcare facilities throughout the region allow us to provide unsurpassed care. Based upon our years of experience and high-level credentials, we have the expertise to help our patients with almost any of your oral surgery needs.