If you have lost or broken teeth, you’re in luck – dentures are no longer your only option. Instead, you can choose dental implants, which are more secure and aesthetically pleasing than dentures. However, they’re not for everyone. Before you decide between dentures and implants, consider these three variables: Performance… Read More…
Everyone needs a good night’s sleep to be at their best during the day, but if you have sleep apnea, daytime sleepiness could be affecting your work and your relationships. In fact, the National Institute of Health reports that sleep apnea is the number one cause of feeling excessively tired… Read More…
After the dentist pulls your tooth, a blood clot usually forms in the hole that is left behind. However, the blood clot can dissolve or become disconnected, exposing the underlying nerves and bone. This exposure is called dry socket; it can result in debilitating pain, and in a few days,… Read More…
Typically lasting three to nine months, the dental implant procedure isn’t short. However, and at the end of the process you’ll have a prosthetic tooth or teeth that look and operate just like the real thing. First: Your dentist will remove your damaged teeth To ensure quick healing, reduce complications,… Read More…
Normal “wisdom” says to extract your wisdom teeth by age 25, but do you really have to? If you’re looking for a simple answer to this question, you won’t find one here. But that’s because the question of whether or not to remove wisdom teeth is one that must be… Read More…
When comparing the issue of sleep loss and dental maladies, it is important to approach it from two basic viewpoints – sleep issues can cause dental problems, and dental problems can cause sleep concerns. First, let’s take a look at how sleep loss, or lack of quality sleep, can cause… Read More…
Replacing missing teeth is important for many reasons – including, of course, preserving your smile! The decision to remove a tooth isn’t ever a pleasant choice. Often, your dentist or oral surgeon will present this option if cavity treatments or root canal surgery aren’t on the table. If the decision… Read More…
Wisdom teeth generally emerge in adults between the ages of 18-25, and are often considered as extra, “non-essential” teeth. They are the last adult teeth to break through, and should be looked at by a qualified dentist or oral surgeon to ensure they are not impacting the second molars that… Read More…
One of the most common questions our team fields when a client is faced with an impending oral surgery date is “what am I allowed eat or drink before my surgery?” This is an important question, as the food and drink that is ingested prior to a surgery can greatly… Read More…
Toothaches are painful conditions that can result from a variety of reasons. While the most common symptoms of toothaches include throbbing pain, swelling, sore jaw and gum tenderness, other complications may also occur, including headache and dizziness. Certain diseases and conditions may contribute to feelings of dizziness and or lightheadedness when experiencing toothache… Read More…